Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stop licking my feet!

Everyday I say multiple things that I just never thought would come out of my mouth.  Ever.  I'm not even talking about "because I said so's" or "I'm your mother, that's why", I mean things like "stop licking my feet" and "leave the dogs butt alone".  Because today seems to have produced a few gems, I have decided to give you my top 5 I can't believe I even had to say quotes...

5.  Get your finger out of your bum.


3. Stop licking my feet.

2. It is not ok to rub your penis on anyone's leg.

and the number one thing I never thought I would EVER say..

1.  Stop moving. I need to get the syrup off your penis.

Although there are many things I say to Dennis on a daily basis that are entertaining, these gems are are all instructions for Dominic.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dom likes Vagina

Dom likes vagina.  At least, he likes the word.  He also really enjoys talking about his penis.  As this started to come up in his life, Dennis and I had a real discussion about how we thought it was important to use the "real" words for penis and vagina.  When I was little we referred to vagina's as a "pinkie".  Dennis thinks this is HILARIOUS, but we still decided it was best to use penis and vagina.  

Dominic, like most males, has a fascination with his penis.  He is forever touching it while having diaper changes, in the bath tub, under his pants.  I am aware this is a totally normal "phase" (although, I argue that the "phase" part of it is his public fascination - he will begin his own little private "phase" in the later years).  Recently, he has begun to inquire the whereabouts of others penis'.   "Does Nanni (my sister) have a penis?"  "Does Uncle Kat have a penis?" This lead to the funniest, most surprising thing I have heard from him to date:

Me: Dominic you are such a pita today, but I love you anyway.
D: I am a pita Momma, and I have a penis.  Do you have a penis?
M:  No Dominic, Mommy is a girl and girl's have vagina's.
D: Wow (thoughtful face).  I like vagina's.

End of conversation. What the hell do you say to that?  

I do know that I will never, ever forget that conversation..and when he has a steady love that he brings home to me, I will tell them.  And whether they are male or female, they will surely love that at 2 years and 10 months old, Dominic loved vagina.

Tuna Run?

First, thanks for coming to my blog! When I was pregnant with Dominic (now almost 3!) I blogged fairly frequently, and really enjoyed it...but life as a mother happened, and well you know how it can be.  I have since decided that rather than journal for no one to read, why not go back to blogging...and now here we are!

Some of you may be asking...tuna run? what on earth is she talking about?  Well for a very basic explanation, a tuna run is basically when it feels like the universe seems to be going against you but you make it through anyway and somehow manage to keep smiling.  Most people will encounter a tuna run at some point in their life, but it takes a special person to LIVE a tuna run - that is me, and my husband...a match made in tuna heaven.  This blog will be a chronicle of our infinitely long tuna run.....
